DIDGERIDOO - Musical Instruments aboriginess and ethnic

, from Córdoba ARGENTINA - Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Musical Instruments Crafts, aboriginess and ethnic


DIDGERIDOO - Musical Instruments Crafts

DIDGERIDOO is Wind instrument of Australian origin

(one of the oldest in the world). We built now reconstituted wood. Thickness from 18 to 25 millimeters (process it takes 2 months and half), are tuned to different tones, the mouth of 2 to 3.5 centimeters with a bath of three layers of wax natural bee, its height varies between 1.28 to 1.5 meters long. They are professional and last a lifetime. (included with case).
Sound sample of the Didgeridoo Video of the Didgeridoo Video of the Didgeridoo Video of the Didgeridoo Video of the Didgeridoo
The Didjeridu, or didgeridoo, also called yidaki in one of the many aboriginal names, as an Australian Aboriginal tribe from the Kimberly region and Arnhem Land (northern and northwestern Australia, respectively). Is a branch of a variety of eucalyptus emptied naturally by termites, between 1 and 1.75 meters, and four to ten centimeters in diameter. The performer blows into the instrument similar to a trumpet. For decoration Didjeridu can be painted and unpainted. Traditionally, paintings and symbols representing beings in the history of the ancestors of the Aborigines.
It is played solo or with other instruments to accompany songs and dances. Also plays an important role in ceremonies, and there is even an option for special ceremonies, the Yurlunggur, between 2 and 2.5 meters. It is the basic part in most of the tribes in their regions of origin.
The continuous sound of the instrument, without interruptions to take air, is one of the most prominent. Generally, breathing, keeping the sound using the residual air that is not in the lungs. This technique called circular breathing, causes the cheeks to act as a bellows.
Historically, the origin of the Didjeridu is around 40 thousand years ago. Found drawings of men playing instruments that seem didjeridus paintings in caves found in northern Australia in the 1940 expedition.
However, Aboriginal people, in speaking of the origin of the Didjeridu in their legends, dates back much further than a thousand years ago, reaching the Age of Dreams, the time of the ancestors who created the world.
DIDGERIDOO in australia
Myths and legends of the DIDGERIDOO
Myths and Legends of the Didgeridoo:
There are several legends that reveal the meaning of the Aboriginal Didjeridu in northern Australia. It should be remembered that Aboriginal culture is about 40,000 years and is a culture of nomadic hunters. The Didjeridu is seen as a phallic symbol and a male, prohibited in some areas touching by women. According to one legend, a woman playing the Didjeridu, give birth to twins. Being a nomadic people of hunters would have an extra mouth to feed, and would have to kill a child, and this belief might come from the ban.
The Didjeridu is also associated with creation myths. Aboriginals have the beginning of time, Yurlunggur, the Rainbow Serpent, took part in the creation of the world, and gliding through the ground created riverbeds. Thus, yurlunggur, one of about 2.5 meters Didgeridoo used only for ceremonies represent the Rainbow Serpent.
There is another myth that relates to the creation Didjeridu. In the beginning, the Great Spirit Balam created man and woman, and in return were given the task of creating a form giving the animals with singing or playing the Didgeridoo.
Didjeridu itself is considered by the Aborigines created long ago. According to three men were camping on a cold night. One of the men told another to put a branch in the fire as it was shutting down. So the man stood up and took a branch that seemed very light. He looked and saw that the termites have hollowed, and they covered the entire branch inside and out. I did not know what to do, because if you pull the arm to fire the termites would die, but he insisted his colleagues to do so because they were cold. So it was carefully collected all the termites that were deposited inside the branch. When finished, they took the lips one end of the branch, and breathed to get termites. A thrilling buzzer sounded, and termites, which were launched at the sky became the stars. And so was created the first Didgeridoo.
But perhaps the most beautiful story told about the Didjeridu is that it tells Francis Firebrace:
"As Europeans, we, the natives of my country, Australia, come to this land for some forty thousand years. But we know we have been here since the beginning of time. We are the oldest culture on earth. And we the most ancient, which we call yidaki, and you call Didgeridoo.
It is a branch of a tree that termites have emptied. When the branch dies and falls to the ground, cut the ends and thus produce the Didgeridoo. The story that I will have come from northern Australia. Yidaki warrior came home one day a hunt with a kangaroo on his shoulders. On the way took a dead branch that was on the floor. Looked at one end and saw the sunlight on the other, and realized that many had termites in it. So it blew from one end to draw termites and made a sound
Warrior liked the sound. Found that breathing through the nose to the air after missing the mouth circumferentially could create rhythms and other sounds. The warrior took the hollow branch, it showed the people of the tribe and played for them. And I liked the sound, and the branch with painted ocher, and danced along the corroboree pace. And for the rest of his life, the warrior men taught the technique of circular breathing, and this simple instrument became popular and became part of their culture. And was used in ceremonies, dances and healing.
When the warrior died, his spirit left his body and entered the hollow branch didjderidu callers. And if you listen in a quiet setting one end of the Didjeridu in your ear, you can hear Yidaki playing their instrument.
And the Aborigines of northern Australia believe that, as in the Didjeridu is the spirit of a man, is a tool for men and women should not touch it."
Some of our models
didgeridoo yidaki kaypacha
Another legend says that in the Time of Dreams there was a tribe of aborigines that was frequently visited by a giant. The giant had grown accustomed to kidnapping the women of the tribe. One day two women were able to free themselves from the giant and returned to the tribe. The elders devised a trap: they dug a well and covered it with branches and leaves. When the giant returned, the men of the tribe used the two women as a decoy by placing them behind the well. The giant pounced on the women and fell into the well. The men of the tribe nailed his spears to him, until his appearance was like a porcupine. He felt such intense pain that he bent over himself and blew on his cock. And there was a wonderful sound. The men of the tribe were so fascinated that they imitated him, but they made no sound. Then they went into the jungle, took a trunk of eucalyptus hollowed out by the termites and blew on it. Thus they achieved the same sound as the giant. The didjeridu was born, and since then it was used by the men of the tribe to accompany the story telling, the rites and the dances. At the beginning of time a group of Australian Aborigines was looking for firewood to make fire. They found branches of different types, among them also of eucalyptus. When they had gathered enough wood, they returned to the camp and began with the preparations to make the fire and cook the food. During these tasks they heard a very particular sound. Full of fear they interrupted their chores, thinking that it might be evil spirits. But the sounds were good and pleasant, and they were the spirits of the wind blowing on a trunk of eucalyptus hollowed out by termites. They imitated them, and in a short time they also made similar sounds. This tradition continues to this day, when they play the didjeridu to accompany their rites and when they make contact with the spirits of their ancestors. If you listen to this instrument, it will not only enter through your ears, but it will also open your heart and your spirit. production didgeridoo yidaki kaypacha
production didgeridoo yidaki kaypacha
Myths related to the creation of the world (Australian aborigines):
The creation and ordination of the world took place in a mythological and supernatural period, known as "Alchera", Dreaming or Dreamtime, whose literal translation is "Time of the Dream". In this magical time, the Earth took shape and life arose in it. In most of the legends that speak of Dreaming, the travels of ancestral spirits called Wondjina, who created the world as we know it, with its rivers and rocks, the stars and gave life to the human being, To plants and animals. Later, during the Dreamtime, these spirits traveled freely through Australia and after transmitting to humans the knowledge necessary for their survival and for the maintenance of established order, the Wondjina disappeared within the Earth and inhabit the forms of the natural world That they created: rocks, birds, rivers, etc ... In most of these myths, the Earth arose from preexisting matter and the landscape was gradually transformed by the action of creatures shaped similar to giant serpents. These "serpents" were lifting up and bending the existing ground, and as they did they were shaping the current landscape. These ancestral beings, who gave shape to the Earth, arose from the Earth itself. Subsequently, we dedicate an epigraph to the myth of the "Mother Serpent" To the "Time of the Dream", one can also enter the present by practicing certain rituals, using totems. Thus, the preservation of myths and the practice of rituals is maintained in a certain way, the continuity of this supernatural time, so important in aboriginal mythology, and also guarantees the continuity of life.

The Rainbow Serpent or the Serpent Mother
One of the most widespread and well-known myths of creation among Australian aborigines is that of the "Mother Serpent," also called "Rainbow Serpent." This ancestral divinity is the embodiment of fertility, the goddess of rain and has powers to give life. According to the legend, at first the Earth was an empty and flat space, within which rested the "Great Mother Serpent" who remained in a deep sleep for a very long time. Suddenly he woke up and walked through the interior of the Earth until he reached the deserted surface. He began to roam the earth and, as he advanced, such was his power, which caused a great rain, forming lakes, rivers and wells. Each site that visited it nourished with the milk of her breasts overflowing, making it fertile and a lush vegetation grew on Earth. Large trees with fruits of many colors and shapes sprouted from the earth. The goddess thrust her nose into the ground, raising mountain ranges and opening deep valleys, while other parts left them smooth and deserted. The "Serpent Mother" then returned to Earth and awakened the animals, the reptiles and the birds that first settled the Earth, and finally created the fish. Finally, according to legend, the goddess extracted from the bowels of the Earth itself to the last of the creatures, the human being. From the "Mother Serpent" human beings learned to live in peace and harmony with all creatures of creation, since they were their spiritual cousins. In addition, the goddess taught man the tribal life, to share and take from Earth only those goods that they needed, respecting and honoring Nature. According to this legend, thanks to the "Serpent Goddess", men and women learned to live as brothers with nature and also learned that each element had been placed by the goddess in balance. The human being understood that his role was that of guardian and protector of that balance and that was to transmit this knowledge from generation to generation. Before disappearing, the "Mother Serpent" warned that if the man abused and killed for pleasure or gluttony, he would find the guilty man and punish him. In some variants of this myth, the "Mother Serpent," called "Mother Eingana" lived, and still lives, in the "Time of the Dream," where she sometimes returns to create more life.

Yhi, the creator goddess of the karraur
In the mythology of the karraur, Yhi is a deity of first order, since she is the creative goddess. According to a legend of these aboriginal Australians, the goddess remained asleep in the "Time of the Dream" before the creation of our world, in a peaceful place and of calm mountains. A sudden whisper revealed the goddess who gave a great yawn and opened her eyes, flooding the world with new light. Yhi descended to this new Earth illuminated by its light, traveling east to west and north to south. As the goddess walked, the plants sprouted beneath her feet and she did not rest until she had walked every inch of earth and everything was covered by a green mantle. When she finished, the goddess went to rest and while contemplating her recent creation, she realized that the plants could not move and at that moment she wanted to see something that could be stirred gracefully. With the idea of ??creating these new creatures, the goddess descended to Earth and had to face evil spirits who tried to end their life. The goddess, more powerful and strong, defeated these spirits and the warmth of the goddess mingled with the darkness, emerging tiny forms of life that began to move there. These forms of life were transformed into dancing butterflies, playful bees and other insects that began to flutter around the goddess. But in this bright and alive world, there were still dark, icy caves; Above them the goddess also spread her magical light and inside the caves formed water. Soon he saw new creatures appearing: fish and lizards sliding through the water. The goddess had finally defeated the darkness and the new world was filled with birds and animals that populated the Earth, filling it with life.

We can point to a number of common traits among so many myths, as in most of these stories, creation takes place in a mythical period, called "Dreamtime", in which the ancestral spirits dwell Makers.
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instrument DIDGERIDOO

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