ERQUENCHO - Musical Instruments aboriginess and ethnic

, from Córdoba ARGENTINA - Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Musical Instruments Crafts, aboriginess and ethnic


ERQUENCHO - Musical Instruments Crafts
The Erquencho or erkencho is an instrument of wind of the Andean region; Northwest Argentina, Bolivia and Peru, is a caller of powerful sound, constructed with horn or horn of cow and the mouth is of a small cane that vibrates when blowing, its size oscillates between 20 to 40 cm in length. The sound is similar to a moan of an animal.
Sound sample of the Erquencho
This ritual wind instrument is similar to an elementary rustic clarinet, with no holes to cover, is familiar to the Erque (which has a bamboo extension of about 3 meters). Some investigations and studies did not determine its origin but can be attributed to the pre-Columbian archaeological era, although nothing is possible to be sure about it.
It emphasizes the horn of the cow that constitutes the main aspect of the acoustic pavilion of the instrument as well as the vibrating tongue (piece of bamboo, of approximately 10 centimeters and 10 millimeters of diameter, obtained by means of a longitudinal incision), inserted in the final part Of the horn.
ERQUENCHOs kaypacha
Erkencho erke play to the Erquencho
The music provided by the erquencho is like a moan of an animal, singular and impressive sound, sometimes accompanied by rhythmic drumming.
The Erquencho can be found in the Andean region, in Aboriginal cultures of central and northern Argentina and also in Bolivia, Chile and Peru. It is used for rituals and various celebrations, it is considered a summer instrument.
Attention: At the moment we do not have stock of the

instrument ERQUENCHO

, and we do not produce it anymore. Thank you.